About Me
I sat here just blankly staring at the keyboard. The thoughts were there but they were swirling so fast; it was like trying to grab a hummingbird or something right out of the air. But this is my ride. I hope to just move forward, grow and be real.
No one would ever say that I’m a genius or have grammar skills so perfect that I should have become a literary professor or some bullshit like that. You know that meme that floats around from time to time, says something like, everyone thinks I’m funny but I’m just telling the truth. Well Hello Everyone, that was made for me. I have a soft heart but a sharp tongue. But this is life, sometimes we just have to say what is on our minds.
This will not be perfect. It will be a large struggle for me, but I need it to be imperfect. I, like so many others, need to relinquish control and gain back our time lost agonizing over trying to get every detail just right. It is a continued battle for myself, but one that I am going to try and stick with. I need to take the good with the bad and the cute with the ugly.
I grew up in a small town in Wisconsin. Surrounded by lots of family. I was the only child of a single parent, who, literally worked her ass off to give me everything that I could have ever wanted. Looking back at those years now, yep, I was that spoiled little asshole. But it was us and we are and will forever be each other’s ride or die.
I will be completely honest in the fact that I have no fucking clue what the hell I am doing. I’ve debated doing something along these lines for quite some time now and with the Rona running rampant, it seems like we all just have a little extra time. Me, not so much. I am apparently still classified as an “essential worker”. Not cool.
Part of me wants to grab every piece of information about blogging and starting a blog out there and read them multiple times. Over and over until I can create the most magical and inviting site for my fans, haters included. I say fans, but I will literally only have mom silently rooting for me from up above.
My life forever changed a few years back and it has been one hell of a ride. To this day, I still think back and wish I could have changed the way I did some things. But I cannot live in the past. I cannot change the unchangeable. I have to try and learn how to accept the hand that was dealt to me. It really sucks because I have a nice strait but it just happens to be all of the wrong suits. But I am learning to try and cope. Learning new ways of dealing with things.
My personal goal is that I can help at least one person out there is this big, giant world. One person that can stumble across this hot mess of a blog and think, damn, I should probably reach out to him and see if he needs some website assistance or the name of my therapist. But also just that one person who, one day might send me a message and say that I am glad I am not the only one.
I decided to call this my ride, because, let’s be honest, I’m not a great driver and this feels exactly like how my life is going. I’m taking the back roads with sharp corners that sneak up on you and hills that feel like you’re on a rollercoaster flying off its track. I hope to write about my struggles, my hopefully, one day, triumphs along with a little fun, laughter and food in between.
FULL DISCLAIMER: I truly have no idea what the fuck I am doing. I have the mouth of a sailor and I will throw those sentence enhancers in like confetti. Just when you think you have it all cleaned up, FUCK, there is always more. I am not a doctor, I do not have a degree in any type of medical field, so don’t plan on holding any of this against me. I want to use my experiences and try and help someone else. I want to share some good food. Above all else, I want us to laugh. Laughter is truly the best medicine.